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Friday, April 29, 2011

postheadericon Agents poll!

Hey guys, Newzealand1234 here :D I recently made it onto the agents poll :D Good luck to everyone and thanks to everybody who voted for me! I appreciate it so much (:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

postheadericon My 200th B-day!!

Hey guys!
It was my 200th today!
Here is the painting that dizzyyy painted for me!
Is'nt she kind? xD

Well happy 200th to me! xD

postheadericon A new post signature!!

Hey guys!
I have a new post signature ronki made for me!
If u want to see the post go to his blog:
Here how it looks like!

Is'nt pretty? xD
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Sorry for not posting so much. I haven't been focusing on blogger lately. ;)


  1. I am now going to do something, which requires me to search, search, search! xD I will be posting things that haven't been really noticed, and I will not take anything from blogs. (EVEN BETTER)

So, here's todays news. 

PeachieSocks? Alive for her bday? xD

Eh, I do miss out on my cho bdays alot, but a 400th?

Happy birthday to thegirlthatihaveneverheardabout. Lol x]

Also, I bet you a whole penny that you will read this :D

The fun of the week!

Betsz you looked... If you did not look...


Well, thats all for today. :)  Cee ya!


postheadericon My new epic movie :)

Hello  everyone heres my new epic movie one xD